Pregnancy and childbirth are critical delicate times for infants and mothers. In the majority of cerebral palsy (CP) cases an error occurred during the birth process that damaged the child’s brain. While CP does occur without fault, unfortunately, there are situations where the negligence of medical providers contributes to birth injuries that can cause CP.
When a medical professional fails to treat a delivering mom within standard of care, he or she is accountable in a medical malpractice claim. Although the tragic outcome of such negligence cannot be undone, financial assistance may be available from a verdict or settlement to a family struggling to provide the care their child needs.
Helping Parents Find Answers And Hold Medical Professionals Accountable
It takes an experienced lawyer working with the proper experts to analyze what is reasonable in a given situation and to identify medical negligence. At Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger, we have a full time attorney-pediatrician available to make a preliminary threshold review of medical records and identify how and when a preventable birth injury may have occurred. Walkup Law Firm birth injury lawyers utilize a variety of medical specialists around the country to evaluate and prove medical negligence in birth injury, CP, uterine rupture and hyperbilirubinemia claims.
Walkup birth injury attorneys have decades of experience prosecuting and trying cases in which medical malpractice caused cerebral palsy. We have a proven track record of results in cases involving medical negligence that led to cerebral palsy, such as:
- Failure to monitor the mother or the infant before, during and after childbirth
- Failure to take prompt action in response to signs of fetal distress
- Inattentive medical personnel leaving a laboring mother unattended
- Failing to properly dose and titrate oxytocin (Pitocin), which can cause uterine hyperstimulation, excessive uterine contractility, uterine rupture and brain damage to infants
- Failing to perform a C-section in a timely manner
- Failing to anticipate and be prepared to deal with conditions such as Rh incompatibility or jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia)
Helping Children And Their Families Since 1959
Walkup birth injury attorneys understand that moms and dads are concerned about who will take care of their injured children after their birth. The financial compensation we have secured for injured children with disabilities from birth negligence (including cerebral palsy) has allowed parents to access the resources, therapy and adaptive equipment their children need to reach their full potential.
If you suspect that errors in the birth process, inadequate care from health care providers, or obstetrical medical malpractice has caused your child’s cerebral palsy, talk with an attorney who can help you get answers. Contact the San Francisco law office of Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger to schedule a free initial consultation. Call now (415) 981-7210. We represent clients throughout Northern California, Southern California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, and the western United States.
*If you are insured under a Kaiser Permanent group health plan, you cannot file a lawsuit in court. Your only legal remedy is arbitration. You are entitled to have legal counsel in Kaiser Permanente arbitration proceedings. Learn more about our birth injury practice for Kaiser Permanente customers.