ClickCease Washington Uber Sexual Assault Attorney [Voted #1 2024]

Washington Uber Sexual Assault Attorney

Uber Sexual Assault Lawyers Serving All Of Washington

washington uber accident attorneyIn a landmark move in October 2023, the federal courts initiated a monumental legal undertaking, establishing the Uber Passenger Sexual Assault Multi-District Litigation (MDL). This consolidated lawsuit provides a platform for thousands of survivors of sexual assault and rape by Uber drivers to seek justice. By amalgamating hundreds of individual cases, with the potential to escalate to thousands, this litigation is poised to emerge as an unprecedented milestone in addressing sexual assault. Contact our Washington Uber Sexual Assault Attorney for answers to your sexual assault questions.

Distinguished attorney Sara Peters, a prominent figure renowned for her expertise and leadership in relevant matters, has been appointed to the Plaintiff’s Steering Committee, underscoring the commitment to ensuring robust representation for the survivors. Peters’ track record, including her involvement in a high-profile Uber sexual assault case currently under appeal in the Ninth Circuit, exemplifies her dedication to advocating for justice in such critical matters.

Moreover, the Court has entrusted Walkup Shareholder Khaldoun Baghdadi with a pivotal role as the court-appointed liaison between the Uber Passenger Sexual Assault MDL and the corresponding state court action in California. Baghdadi’s appointment reinforces the collaborative effort between federal and state jurisdictions, fostering coherence and efficiency in addressing the complex legal landscape surrounding these cases.

In addition to our involvement in the Uber Passenger Sexual Assault, MDL, Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger have a remarkable history of vigorously pursuing justice in cases against Uber. Our unparalleled dedication has propelled us beyond conventional boundaries, setting new standards globally.

Our accomplished team has embarked on an exhaustive journey, delving deep into the intricacies of these cases. We have conducted pivotal depositions of key corporate figures, meticulously scrutinized Uber’s ow experts, and unearthed previously undisclosed documents. Through these efforts, we have illuminated the darker facets of the tech giant’s operations, compelling accountability for its role in fostering an unsafe transportation environment. Our unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth underscores our resolve to champion the rights of those affected and hold powerful entities accountable for their actions.

Holding Uber Accountable For Assault Cases

Back in 2013, when Uber initially introduced ridesharing services with non-professional drivers, there was widespread apprehension about the safety of entrusting one’s journey to a stranger’s private vehicle, particularly for young women or solo travelers. However, over the past decade, Uber has diligently worked to dispel these concerns and instill confidence in the safety of its services. Through concerted efforts, Uber has successfully shifted public perception, assuring passengers of the reliability and security of getting into an Uber ride with a stranger.

This transformational journey has propelled Uber from its humble beginnings as a tech startup facilitating limo hails in San Francisco to its current status as the global transportation powerhouse.

Uber’s transportation services offer convenience and affordability to the public, yet they hinge on a fundamental element: trust. Trust that is significant enough for individuals to willingly enter what would otherwise be an unfamiliar vehicle with an unknown driver. The differentiator? Uber’s reputation and its steadfast commitment to safety. Over the years, Uber has consistently reassured passengers with promises of providing “the safest rides on the road,” instilling confidence in a service that guarantees reliability and security. Our Washington Uber Sexual Assault Attorney know this is not always the case.

This assurance has cultivated a widespread belief that an Uber ride transcends mere interaction with a stranger; rather, it signifies a ride with Uber itself – facilitated, arranged, and overseen by the company, with drivers rigorously vetted and approved. However, the reality belies this perception. Despite Uber’s claims, the company falls short in protecting its riders.

Despite the underreporting of sexual assaults and Uber’s discouragement of reporting, an alarming number of women have courageously stepped forward to disclose incidents of sexual assault during Uber rides. Uber has been aware of this issue since at least 2014, yet has failed to implement necessary measures to prevent such assaults. Instead, Uber’s singular focus on rapid expansion has led it to disregard the imperative of addressing sexual assault, treating it as an unfortunate byproduct of its growth trajectory. For Uber, it appears that sexual assault has become an accepted cost of conducting business.

Your Rights After An Uber Assault

In Washington, individuals who have endured sexual assault retain the right to pursue a personal injury claim against their assailant. This legal recourse remains available irrespective of whether criminal charges, conviction, or acquittal occurred. Furthermore, victims may also seek recourse against a third party, such as a business, institution, or employer, deemed responsible for the incident due to negligence, inadequate oversight, or failure to address sexual misconduct appropriately.

Survivors of sexual assault and related misconduct rightfully seek justice for their suffering. It is imperative to consult with a seasoned rideshare assault attorney promptly to initiate investigations, secure evidence, and ensure timely filing within the statute of limitations.

For a comprehensive understanding of the allegations against Uber and the necessity of holding the company accountable for its role in a pervasive sexual assault epidemic within its transportation system, we invite you to review the Master Complaint crafted by our legal team in collaboration with co-counsel. Read Complaint.

Uber has moved to dismiss claims under specific state laws. Our robust opposition to this motion staunchly defends the rights of sexual assault victims. We invite you to examine our response. Read Response.

If you or someone close to you has been a victim of sexual assault or harassment by a Washington Uber driver, the experienced sexual assault attorneys at Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger are ready to advocate for your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. Time is of the essence—reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions about Uber Sexual Assault

Q. Can I bring a sexual assault case against Uber even if I was intoxicated at the time of the incident?

A. Yes. Sexual contact with someone who could not consent due to the influence of alcohol or drugs is actionable sexual assault. In addition, Uber has chosen to aggressively market its transportation services as a safe ride home for people who have been drinking and are making the responsible choice not to drive under the influence. Uber holds its transportation services out as safe even for those whose guard is down due to the influence of alcohol. It owes a responsibility to make good on these promises and provide safe rides as advertised.

Q. Can I bring a sexual assault case against Uber even if I do not remember the assault or rape?

A. Yes. Our Washington Uber Sexual Assault Attorney is able to use not only direct evidence (eyewitness testimony) but also indirect evidence, known as circumstantial evidence. Uber tracks rides and has detailed GPS data, which, along with other forensic data, can establish a case even without a direct eyewitness statement.

Q. Can I bring a sexual assault case even if the police or prosecutors chose not to pursue a criminal case?

A. Yes. The standard of proof is different. In criminal Court, it is “beyond a reasonable doubt.” In civil Court, the standard is “more likely than not” true. Thus, there are many cases where the evidence may not be so indisputable as to meet the criminal standard of proof but where we can still prove the allegations in civil Court.

Q. What is the deadline for bringing a case?

A. In the State of Washington, the general statute of limitations for sexual assault suits is three years from the date of the incident. Additionally, there is an extended statute of limitations for child victims — Washington generally allows minors the same three-year statute of limitations to seek financial compensation; however, the clock does not start running until their eighteenth birthday, meaning they have until age 21 to file their suit.

Contact Our Washington Uber Sexual Assault Attorney Today

If you or someone you know has experienced Uber sexual assault, contact Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger. Our Uber sexual assault lawyers are here to help you each step of the way – you don’t have to face this alone.