ClickCease Premises Liability Archives | Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger

Slip and Fall – Brain Injury

Our slip and fall team represented an elderly woman who slipped and fell on uneven pavement while exiting a restaurant.  She fell forward and struck her head on the ground suffering a skull fracture and serious brain injury.  Previously independent and able to drive, pay her own bills, and visit friends, our client now requires…

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Premises Liability – Office Building Trip-And-Fall

Our commercial property premises liability team concluded a premises liability case in the amount of $2.1 million on behalf of a 46-year-old professional who suffered traumatic brain injuries after falling 15 feet into an open elevator shaft. The fall occurred in a commercial building where the plaintiff rented an office on the second floor. At…

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Premises Liability – Trip-And-Fall On Sidewalk Defect

Our trip-and-fall injury specialists obtained a mediated resolution of this fall case in the amount of $875,000 on behalf of a 62-year-old gynecologist who fell at a city parking lot that was under renovation. The defendant city had hired a private contractor to perform construction work at a downtown location. The work included installation of…

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Premises Liability – Mervyn’s Department Store Slip-And-Fall

Our premises team successfully concluded an action against Mervyn’s Department Stores on behalf of a 47-year-old woman who slipped and fell at a Mervyn’s Store on a piece of discarded cardboard. The packaging, which had been negligently left on the floor in violation of store rules and guidelines, was the same color as the carpeting…

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Premises Liability – Falling Store Merchandise

Our premises liability team negotiated a settlement with a value in excess of $200,000 on behalf of a 3-year-old child who was seriously injured when a display fell on her at the defendant’s home center. The managers of the store attempted to claim that the display collapse was the fault of the child or her…

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Premises Liability – Defective Restaurant Chair

Our premises liability team obtained a settlement exceeding $125,000 on behalf of a 36-year-old woman injured at a Lyon’s Restaurant when the seat she was sitting on failed, causing her to spill forward onto the floor. As a result of the fall, our client developed chronic back pain that was ultimately diagnosed as a herniated…

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Premises Liability: Patron v. Night Club

Spencer J. Pahlke negotiated a settlement in the amount of $920,000 on behalf of a client who visited a Solano County nightspot to celebrate with her friends where a disturbance erupted near closing time on an outdoor patio. A club security guard acting in response to the disturbance pushed his way through the crowd, knocking…

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