ClickCease Wildfire Archives | Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger

Maui Wildfire

Walkup – Maui Wildfire When the August 9, 2023, wildfire tore through Lahaina town and other areas on Maui more than 100 lives were lost. Some people remain missing more than one month later. Fueled by hot, dry grass, low humidity and hig red flag warning winds, flames devoured more than 2000 structures including homes…

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California Wildfire Evacuation Checklist

Being in a wildfire can be terrifying. Unfortunately, it is a part of life for many Californians, especially as the number of wildfires steadily increases. Staying prepared with this wildfire checklist can help you and your family safely evacuate. Follow Evacuation Instructions Always follow evacuation instructions that have been given for your area. If there…

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Tips to Avoid Insurance Scams After Wildfire Damage

When you are struggling to rebuild your life after wildfire damage, the last thing you might expect is to encounter unjust behaviors by someone pretending to help. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many Californians who are facing major repairs or renovations after wildfire damage. Use the following tips to avoid insurance and disaster recovery…

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When Is Wildfire Season in California?

California’s natural environment encourages the spread of wildfires. Low humidity, lack of precipitation, dry vegetation, high temperatures and hot winds create ideal conditions for a fire to spark and spread. Several months during the year are referred to as California’s “wildfire season,” typically from summer to fall. This time of year tends to have conditions…

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