Mike Kelly was the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the Orange County Consumer Attorneys (OCCA) and the Inland Empire Consumer Attorneys Association (IECA) which was held at the Omni Las Palmas resort in Palm Springs May 21-23. The event, a continuing legal education program for attorneys specializing in representing plaintiffs in personal injury cases throughout the southern part of the state, broke historic attendance records and featured a roster of outstanding speakers. Mike’s address focused upon issues of professionalism and the trial lawyer’s responsibility to respect and promote the principles that the Constitution’s founding fathers thought so important when they included the Eighth Amendment ( right to a civil jury trial ) among the Bill of Rights. At the Saturday night awards ceremony, Michael Bidart, of Claremont, was presented with the OCCA’s Trial Lawyer Of The Year Award, and Judge Janet Frangie of the San Bernardino Superior Court was honored as the areas Trial Judge Of The Year.