ClickCease Car Accident Archives | Page 4 of 4 | Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger

Trucking Liability

In Traveler v. National Trucking Co. (No. Cal. Sup. Ct. case no. confidential), Rich Schoenberger, who was associated to prepare and try this catastrophic injury case after initial attempts at resolution had failed, negotiated an $11,000,000 pre-trial recovery on behalf of a central coast motorist rendered quadriplegic in a head-on collision with a semi-truck and…

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Cycling Injury

In Cyclist v. Colliding Defendants (No.Cal.Sup.Ct.) Matthew Davis and Spencer Pahlke obtained a settlement in excess of $6,000,000 on behalf of a badly injured bicyclist who was struck head-on after a collision between a food delivery vehicle and a taxi cab. The initial accident occurred at a busy SOMA intersection when the food delivery driver…

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Vehicular Negligence

In Kim v. Zarour, et. al. (San Mateo Sup Ct. #CIV-527935) Michael Kelly, Richard Schoenberger and Conor Kelly obtained a $5.4 million jury verdict on behalf of the spouse and children of John Kim, a retired restaurant owner who died following a multi-vehicle collision on Interstate 101. The Kims’ car was rear-ended while in the…

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Vehicle Negligence

In Survivors v. Parking Valet Co. (Nor.Cal.Sup.Ct.) Douglas Saeltzer and Spencer Pahlke negotiated a $6 million policy limits settlement in a wrongful death claim arising from a traffic collision along the San Francisco Embarcadero. Plaintiffs husband and his wife, were in San Francisco to watch a Giants game. At a busy parking lot entrance along…

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Product Liability: Heirs v. International Manufacturer

Michael A. Kelly, Doris Cheng and Andrew P. McDevitt obtained a confidential multi-million dollar settlement for the wife and newborn baby of a Northern California deliveryman who suffered fatal injuries while working. The decedent was riding in the middle position of the front bench seat of the delivery truck. As designed, the occupant of that…

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VEHICULAR NEGLIGENCE: Electrician v. Trucking Company

Conor M. Kelly negotiated a $1,200,000 settlement on behalf of a 62-year-old electrician whose pickup truck was struck by a tractor-trailer on Highway 37 in Sonoma County. The plaintiff was initially diagnosed with non-surgical fractures of the ribs and cervical spine, but continued to experience ongoing pain in his back and chest despite healing of…

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Vehicular Negligence: Octogenarian v. Commercial Construction Co.

Douglas S. Saeltzer and Joseph A. Nicholson recovered $1,800,000 for a senior who was pinned between two cars at an intersection while trying to cross the street outside of a marked crosswalk. The incident occurred at an intersection adjacent to a construction worksite intended to make the area safer for pedestrians. Both the City and…

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