We were saddened to learn of the tragic balcony collapse in Berkeley last night killing several Irish visitors. Having prosecuted a multitude of similar cases, it would not surprise us if investigations conducted in the upcoming days demonstrated deficiencies either in the design, construction or maintenance of the balcony itself. Tragedies like these underscore the importance of using sound engineering and construction practices when designing balconies that will, with certainty, become periodically crowded with friends and family. As importantly, failures to adequately maintain these outdoor gathering spaces which are exposed to the elements often lead to deteriorated and decayed structural components that place the integrity of the balconies at great risk. On sad days like this, we hope that all property owners will appreciate the significant risks associated with failing to maintain their properties, including balconies, and that circumstances that gave rise to the deaths of these innocent people will never materialize again.
For assistance or questions, please do not hesitate to
contact us today at
(415) 981-7210.