ClickCease Medical Negligence | Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger

Medical Negligence

In Professional v. General Medical Group (No.Cal. case and court confidential), Sara Peters negotiated a $2,000,000 recovery on behalf of a young professional woman whose healthcare providers failed to make a timely diagnosis of ovarian cancer. The patient, a single mother who was working long hours to support both her child and her extended family, had been seen by her OBGYN for abdominal pain and symptoms. A blood test revealed that she had elevated tumor markers, and an imaging study showed abnormal findings. Despite these red flags, and despite her concern that she might have ovarian cancer, her doctor reassured her that she had nothing to worry about. Three months later, physicians discovered ovarian cancer that had metastasized and was no longer curable. The defendant argued that a three-month delay in treatment, even if negligent, would not have made a difference to the outcome.