Propane gas tanks can be a practical source of heating fuel, especially in rural areas or for mobile homes. Like any flammable fluid, however, propane and propane tanks need to be built, filled, and maintained with great caution.
- If the pressure valve on the tank does not work properly, there is a potential for the tank to rupture and explode.
- If reconnection was not properly done after the propane tank was refilled, there is a potential for a leak and an explosion.
- Lack of care around a propane tank can cause leaks. For example, a lawn mower bumping into the tank or a snow shovel gouging the tank can cause leaks that later cause a fire or explosion.
- Any partial failure, leak, or break of the tank or the lines leading from the tank can cause an explosion.
Protect Yourself With Our Help
If you or a family member has suffered burn injuries from a propane tank explosion and fire, talk to a lawyer who understands the technology of propane tanks and who understands your rights. We at Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger have extensive experience handling propane cases and taking action against negligent parties.
Liquid gas should always be handled with great care and respect for the damage that can be done. When the tank has defective parts that caused an explosion, the manufacturer may be to blame. If the tank was damaged by a landscaping or construction crew, the contractor may be liable. If the propane supplier failed to make a safe reconnection, the supplier may be held liable for damages.
Call Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger at (415) 981-7210 or contact us online for a free consultation with a personal injury attorney experienced in propane tank injury litigation.